Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Niagara Falls

Hayden and I lie down belly-to-belly to start a nursing session. He looks like a little turtle when he stretches out his neck to find me. He gets going and within seconds I feel the milk "let down" on both sides. He starts the slow suck-swallow pattern, relaxes his body, closes his eyes and settles in, seemingly content.

But I think I have what is called "overactive letdown" because then he starts to kick, his eyes open real wide and he looks at me like, turn off the fire hose woman! and I find myself silently cheering him on, chug! chug! chug! because if he pulls off now, somebody's getting squirted.

Most of the time now he can handle it. But if too much is going on around us, like Helicopter Haleigh is hovering and shrieking in her outside voice, "OH look he's looking AT ME!"... he loses his focus and chokes, pulls off in frustration, and milk sprays everywhere unless I catch it quick.

Sleeping is here and there still. He'll only sleep for 15 minutes at a time in his bed, but he sleeps much longer in his little swing, turned off because Haleigh has killed the batteries by swinging her dolls. So shhh guess where he's been sleeping mostly. He'll go 4-5 hours in his first stretch at night so that's been nice. But when he wakes between 4am and 6am, he's up for the day.

He started smiling the other day at right around 4 weeks, especially if you make clicking noises with your tongue. Too funny watching Haleigh trying to duplicate the sound: she hasn't figured that out yet but she tries so hard.

4 weeks old - of course I couldn't catch a smile. He's such a chunker; size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes already.

Haleigh "playing" with Hayden with one of her old baby toys. Really, she would dangle that toy in his face for 2 seconds, then run off with it. She kept coming back to show it to him, but she wasn't ready to admit that he could have it as one of "his" toys now. Hayden didn't care, he loved watching her run back and forth and couldn't have cared less about that toy.

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